Unable to remove Malwarebytes Antivirus and Trojan file

Are you having problems in removing Malwarebytes Antivirus and Trojan files? This can happen in certain situations when the application cannot detect a predesigned file as a Trojan file. You can try to solve this by disabling Malwarebytes, then rebooting your computer and then running the program again. You must restart the scanning process and check if the infected files are getting picked up again. If they re, then try to remove them. If you can’t remove them, then you might require a program update. Check if your Malwarebytes is properly updated. If all of these do not work, contact the helpdesk at Malwarebytes Contact Support Service Number immediately.

More Info- http://www.antivirustechnicalservice.com/blog/how-to-recover-my-malwarebytes/


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